
NG Article

I am new to the blog, but so I'm not certain all of you had a chance to pick up the July issue of National Geographic just yet, but the feature article is on Malaria. At one point the author asserts that scientists attribute one out of every two deaths in the history of humanity to this parasite. Here's the link:




This is a very good article...State Dept.

26 April 2007
U.S. Urges More Support for Malaria Prevention, Treatment

New funding targets more African countries, U.S. program coordinator says

Laura Bush's Trip to Africa

Cheryl just made a good point and I will share her email with you here:

I assume you saw that Laura Bush is in south Africa promoting $2 mill committment of the US to erradicate malaria She was passing out nets--certainly something to captialize on!


What do you think about an International Student Reception?

Purpose of reception would be to have an interchange of information.

End of Poverty - Jeffrey Sachs

Both Matt and Patrick have recommended the committee to read "End of Poverty" by Jeffrey Sachs.

Below is a link to a 2005 Mother Jones interview with Mr. Sachs.


Carol Miller - NHQ International Communicator

Hi All.
I have contacted Carol about coming out to speak to us, but she is currently out of the country.
I will let you know any updates I get.

What types of topics would you like to discuss?

Let me know if you would like to add a topic to the blog.

What should be our focus?

Food & Nutrition
Water & Sanitation
Global Health
Child & Maternal Health
Control of Infectious Diseases
Restoring Family Links
Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law

What is your primary interest in International Services?

Difference between ICRC & IFRC & National Societies

The ICRC works neutrally and impartially to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict by:
1. Visiting POW's and detainees
2. Searching for missing persons
3. Transmittting messages between separated family members
4. Reuniting dispersed families
5. Providing safe water, food and medical assistance to those in need
6. Promoting respect for International Humanitarian Law

The IFRC promotes programs on behalf of victims of natural disasters, socio-economic crises and health emergencies; refugees, and member national societies include:
1. Promoting humanitarian values
2. Disaster Response
3. Disaster Preparedness
4. Health & Community care
5. Capacity building

The National Society Activities include:
1. Serving as independent national relief organizations
2. Support public authorities and mitigate human suffering through prevention, disaster relief, education, and health/social welfare programs
3. Assisting victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters through the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement
4. Disseminate and assist their governments in disseminating IHL
5. Work with governments to ensure respect for IHL and to protect the emblem(s)
6. Support the ICRC and the International Federation
Red Cross is the light in the darkness. It is the duty of all of us to see that it does not go out.
- Albert Schweitzer